Little tidbits about our family: Matt, Alicia, Lyla, Hayden and Ella

Monday, May 4, 2009

A Star is Born!

Can you see it now? The famous Lyla Marie Brown! I just had to add these new pictures from over the weekend. My parents came up to see Lyla and help with some yard work. What a great help! I hope to be out a couple times this week so I can stay ahead of the weeds. We will see how long I keep this up before I give up!

Since everyone was working outside, I had to bring Lyla out to help the family. Of course it was a sunny day so she had to sport her new sunglasses. I thought these were priceless! Matt added that these could be Elton John glasses. Crazy thing is we are going to a Elton John and Billy Joel concert this week! Lyla is just getting us ready!

I'm excited to come home to IL this weekend for Megan's wedding shower (my brother's fiance) and to introduce Lyla to the rest of the fam! I will have to get my cuddle time in this week since I probably won't be holding her too much this weekend!
Have a great week!


  1. When I first heard the name Lyla Brown, my first thought was that it sounded like a movie star name! I'm glad she's already getting herself ready for life in the spotlight! ;)

  2. You are coming home this weekend??? We will be home too. I'm sure you'll be busy, but we'd love to see you both if possible. She is a beauty w/ her "Elton John" glasses.
