Lyla is 1 week old today! I can't believe she's been here for already a week. Time has already flown by and I have been told it will continue to happen. Matt has been off work last week and all of this week which is helpful trying to get Lyla on a schedule. I don't want him to go back to work! Luckily my mom will come and help out next week which will be wonderful!
Lyla is still quite the night owl. We keep trying to put her down at a reasonable time but she keeps thinking 10:00 p.m. is wake up and play time! We also have been struggling on getting her to sleep in her crib. We lay her down and 5-10 minutes later she is up. We have found her car seat is a lifesaver and she has been sleeping well the last couple of nights (by the time she settles down) for 4-6 hours. We will have to continue to ween her into liking her crib and hopefully it won't take too long!
Here are some new pictures of Lyla.
Daddy's little peanut
Laying with Ella
Too sleepy for tummy time