Little tidbits about our family: Matt, Alicia, Lyla, Hayden and Ella

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Out and About

Since my maternity leave is coming quickly to an end, I needed to get out and see my family before I went back to work. The girls and I (Ella included) made a trip down to my parents to see the great grandma's and to go to the apple orchard. We had a great time.

The girls with Great Grandma Knox

Apple Orchard
We had a great day at the apple orchard playing on the tractors, feeding the animals and of course eating the apple cidar donuts. Lyla even talked grandpa in taking her on a pony ride!

I think these outfits fit the girls just right!

Giddy up

Lyla driving her tractors.....can you tell she likes her tractors?

Playing in the train

The girls with Great Grandma Rex

Lyla and Hayden even got in a little play date with Keira and Brayden (my cousin Nick's kids) on our trip. Lyla had a great time mowing the grass and Keira was helping her mom weed.

Friday, September 16, 2011

2 month check up

Hayden had her 2 month check up today and she weighs 11 lbs and 11 oz and is 22.25 inches long. She ranks 75% in weight and 50% in height. When Lyla had her 2 month check up, she was 75% for both weight and height (11 lbs 13 oz and 23 inches long respectfully). Even though Hayden was longer at birth, it looks like Lyla grew a little faster. Of course Hayden needed 3 shots today and made mom cry (just like I did with Lyla). I thought maybe going through this with Lyla, I would be better but I'm not! Lyla even gave the nurses a dirty look because she didn't want her sister crying! She is such a good big sister.

Have a great Friday!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Daddy's Little Packer Fan

For the Packer season opener, daddy needed to make sure Lyla had Packer gear to wear to cheer on her favorite team. Instead of getting her a girly jersey, he felt Lyla needed a Aaron Rodgers jersey just like him since Lyla loves to be just like daddy. What a pair! And for those of you that didn't know, the Packers won. Go Pack Go!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

2 months old!

Beautiful Hayden Jean turned 2 months old today! Right now she is celebrating by taking a nap but she will be moving and shaking on her play mat in no time. She slept through the night for the first time on Thursday night but ended up waking up at 4:30 a.m. this morning. We are getting there! Even though she slept through the night on Thursday, of course I wake up at 4:45 a.m. to check on her. At least I'm not waking up as much like I did with Lyla, thinking she was in the room with us when she was always in her crib! Matt just tells me they are in their rooms (even though he doesn't remember the next day).

On a side note, I survived Matt being away in Canada on a 6 day, 5 night fishing trip. The girls and I kept busy by having a play date with Jonathan and Hailee, going shopping with Grandma Brown, and going to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa Brown, Aunt Marge, Uncle Ron and Aunt Barb. We had a blast enjoying the nice weather and getting out of the house.