Little tidbits about our family: Matt, Alicia, Lyla, Hayden and Ella

Monday, September 3, 2012

Trip to the Apple Orchard

The girls and I went down to IL for a short trip this weekend to see Uncle Brett. He was in town for a wedding so we made sure to come down to see him for a little bit. We went to the Apple Orchard where the girls played on the trackers, saw the animals and ate delicious cider donuts. It never gets old!

Lyla is trying to get over her cold which never seems to go away. First she got a touch of pink eye and now is on more medicine to try and get rid of this.  Hayden seemed like she was coming down with something yesterday and today she still has a fever off and on.  I hope she isn't getting what Lyla has!

Wish us luck on getting healthy over here. Enjoy the pictures!

I had to include a picture of Hayden and Lyla last year at the Apple Orchard
Oh how they have changed!

Did you know Lyla liked to drive the tractors??