Lyla's 1 year doctor's appointment went well. She now weights 20 lbs and 11 0z and is 28 inches long. She is only in the 40% for weight and 25% for height. I'm surprised b/c I didn't think she was short. She is pretty much grown out of her 12 month clothes already too but 18 month clothes are still really big on her! The Dr could still hear her heart murmur . According to the Children's Hospital it's still very minor and our next appointment is not until June.
For the last couple weekends, we have been trying to get some yard work done when Lyla is napping. We definitely can't get anything done with Lyla outside with us b/c she loves to go explore the yard. One minute she is beside you and the next she is off wandering. I'm glad she likes to be outside b/c summer is just around the corner!
Lyla continues to cut teeth as well. Right now she only has 2 but the top tooth we can see is almost ready to cut through. She definitely has been crabby lately!
That's it from us. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Brown family picture with Uncle Mike and Aunt Nikki

Uncle Mike and Aunt Nikki with Lyla

Uncle Mike teaching Lyla how to look for deer and turkeys outside
Lyla's first Easter basket from her parents
On the stairs playing with my Easter basket

Family Easter picture

Smiling big with momma

Happy with daddy

Beep Beep I'm coming through

My first backpack

Auntie Kristi gave Lyla her very first backpack from New Zealand. It's a kiwi bird and she just loves walking around with it.
Pretty in pink.....let me outside!

Momma push me!